Welcome to my nth blog. Nth because I lost count of all the blogs that I created and failed miserably to update.. Hopefully, I'll be able to sort out my commitment issues and keep this one running longer than its predecessors.
Hmm, so why read this blog? I don't know really. My main intention why I started this blog is to have a personal space in the web (lol, the use of the words "personal" and "web" in one sentence is such an irony) where I could vent out all my thoughts about what's happening around me instead of posting it on my twitter and facebook page (alot of people have been saying that "FB/twitter is not your diary"). Also, I need an after-work activity or a hobby to keep me balanced. If i'm diligent enough to post here, I'll try to post pictures (along with writing, photography is another hobby I had before I became so uninspired), reviews and short stories (it's not a promise but I'll try harder this time.)
So there. It's up to you if you'll stick around for more (if I'll post more, haha). Thanks for dropping by.

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